# M5Stack: Documentation and Links
Feel free to edit this page!
## General Documentation
* [Official M5Stack documentation](https://docs.m5stack.com/#/) (including pinouts, schematics)
* [M5Stack GitHub](https://github.com/m5stack/M5Stack)
* [M5Stack forum](http://forum.m5stack.com/)
* [M5Stack website](https://www.m5stack.com/)
## Programming Languages and IDEs
The M5Stack modules are built around the popular ESP32 microcontroller.
They can be programmed in **C++** using either the Arduino ecosystem (Arduino IDE) or Platform.io (VScode IDE) (or both in parallel).
Alternatively, you can run a **MicroPython** interpreter on the M5Stack.
MicroPython is also used as foundation for M5Stack's custom block-based visual programming framework **UIFlow**.
### C++ (Arduino, Platform.io)
#### Installation (Arduino IDE)
* Install the Arduino IDE.
* Follow the official M5Stack installation instructions: [Windows](https://docs.m5stack.com/#/en/quick_start/m5core/m5stack_core_get_started_Arduino_Windows), [Mac](https://docs.m5stack.com/#/en/quick_start/m5core/m5stack_core_get_started_Arduino_MacOS) (Linux installation is more or less identical).
#### Installation (PlatformIO / VSCode)
* Install [PlatformIO with VSCode](https://platformio.org/platformio-ide) (advanced users may just install the CLI version).
* Add the ESP32 platform in the PlatformIO pane ({{:events:erfinderworkshop_2019:pio_platform_esp32.png?linkonly|screenshot}}).
* Add the M5Stack library in the PlatformIO pane ({{ :events:erfinderworkshop_2019:pio_libraries_m5stack.png?linkonly |screenshot}})).
* Add Arduino/C++ extensions in the Extensions pane.
* (PlatformIO documentation for [M5Stack Basic/Gray](https://docs.platformio.org/en/latest/boards/espressif32/m5stack-core-esp32.html) and [M5Stack Fire](https://docs.platformio.org/en/latest/boards/espressif32/m5stack-fire.html))
*Hint:* If you want to work on a project both using PlatformIO/VScode *and* the Arduino IDE, just use a ``main.cpp`` file that contains ``#include `` and ``setup()/loop`` functions. Then add an empty ``foobar.ino`` file into the project folder. The Arduino IDE accepts the ``.ino``file and simply compiles it together with all ``.cpp`` files in the same folder (i.e., our ``main.cpp``) into a binary.
#### Useful Libraries
* **[M5ez](https://github.com/ropg/M5ez)**, a complete interface builder system for the M5Stack as an Arduino library.
* **[M5-Stack-Examples](https://github.com/PDA-UR/ErfinderWorkshop19Examples)**, some useful code snippets we compiled for uncomplicated access to M5Stack's sensors, WLAN hotspot hosting, etc.
* [M5Stack-SD-Updater](https://github.com/tobozo/M5Stack-SD-Updater/), a framework for loading different firmwares from the SD card into internal flash. Requires that a small code snippet is added to an application's ``setup()`` function.
### MicroPython
* Download the [[https://github.com/m5stack/M5Cloud/blob/master/firmwares/OFF-LINE/m5stack-psram-20180516-v0.4.0.bin|current firmware]]
* Install esptool. ``pip3 install esptool`` This is the commandline tool which will be used for flashing. Both Python 2 and Python 3 versions should be ok.
* Connect the M5Stack to your computer if not already done.
* Erase the flash. ``python3 -m esptool --baud 115200 --after no_reset erase_flash``
* Flash the firmware. ``python3 -m esptool --baud 115200 write_flash --flash_mode dio --flash_freq 80m --flash_size detect 0x1000 m5stack-psram-20180516-v0.4.0.bin``
* Install ampy. ``pip3 install adafruit-ampy``
* Write your own python code to //main.py// or download an [[https://github.com/m5stack/M5Cloud/tree/master/examples|example]].
* Upload your code with ampy. ``ampy --port /dev/cu.SLAB_USBtoUART put main.py main.py``
* Restart the M5Stack.
source: [[https://appelsiini.net/2018/m5stack-esp32-firmware-cli/|https://appelsiini.net/2018/m5stack-esp32-firmware-cli/]]
See also: [Alternative MicroPython firmware](https://github.com/loboris/MicroPython_ESP32_psRAM_LoBo), [M5Stack forum post: "Where to get basic (offline?) MicroPython firmware with lcd module support?"](http://forum.m5stack.com/topic/420/where-to-get-basic-offline-micropython-firmware-with-lcd-module-support)
### UIFlow
{{ :events:erfinderworkshop_2019:uiflow.png?direct&400|}}
[UIFlow/M5Flow](http://flow.m5stack.com/) is a web-based IDE including a block-based programming language (based on [Blockly](https://developers.google.com/blockly/)) that is "compiled" to Python code and uploaded to an M5Stack module via the internet.
There is an additional tool, [M5BlockMaker](http://block-maker.m5stack.com/), that can be used to develop custom blocks.
#### Setting up Wifi / connecting to the device
* on first boot:
* press button labeled "Setup" (on the right) and select "Change WIFI Connection".
* connect your computer to the new Wifi network that the M5Stack created and go to ````
* choose one of the available Wifi networks and enter the password (= preshared key / PSK)
* reset the M5Stack (if it doesn't do it by itself) and connect you computer to the internet again
* go to http://flow.m5stack.com, enter the API key displayed on the M5Stack in order to connect it to the web IDE, and select the correct device (core/stick).
* on the left side of the IDE, add the UI elements and *units* (= pluggable hardware modules) you want to use
* these items and their events/properties then become available in the library in the middle of the IDE
* drag blocks from the library onto the canvas on the right hand side in order to build a program.
* {{ :events:erfinderworkshop_2019:uiflow.png?linkonly |Example of a simple program}}
UIFlow requires a special firmware to be flashed onto the M5Stack module ([Howto](https://docs.m5stack.com/#/en/related_documents/how_to_burn_firmware)).
If you don't want to install the flashing tools, you can always ask us to re-flash the UIFlow firmware onto the M5Stack module.
## Shops
* [AliExpress](https://www.aliexpress.com/store/3226069) (M5Stack's main store)
* [Elektor.de](https://www.elektor.de/m5stack/)
* there is an official reseller on Amazon
## Random Stuff and Known Issues
* [Tips for playing audio via Bluetooth / AM radio](https://www.reddit.com/r/esp32/comments/ah9c2t/has_anyone_played_sound_from_an_esp32_to_a/)
* [Disabling the annoying hissing sound from the speaker](http://forum.m5stack.com/topic/367/mod-to-programmatically-disable-speaker-whine-hiss) (soldering one wire from GPIO5 to pin 1 of the amplifier IC)
* After a medium number of connect/disconnect cycles, the internal shield connector may make bad contact, especially the battery pins. There is not really a solution for this problem.
* Flashing the UIflow firmware using esptool 2.5 (the most recent version available in Debian) [results in a non-working system](http://forum.m5stack.com/topic/532/m5stack-uiflow-reboots-in-setup-fixed). Use esptool 2.6.
## Interesting Projects
* [StickWatch](https://github.com/eggfly/StickWatch) - a DIY smart watch based on M5Stick
* [nixietubeM5](https://github.com/drayde/nixietubeM5) - (Fake) Nixie Tube Display on a M5Stack
* [MP3 player](https://github.com/dsiberia9s/mp3-player-m5stack)
* [M5tube](https://github.com/tobozo/M5tube) - video player for M5Stack with Docker conversion support