---- datatemplateentry news ---- template : news:display_template title : A hand is a hand is a hand is a table? - Talk at the 8th conference of the DGEKW section "Digitazation in Everyday Life" description : [Sarah Thanner](https://hci.uni-regensburg.de/people/sarah_thanner) gave a talk with the title **A hand is a hand is a hand is a table? On the (re)configuration of future choreographies** at the 8th conference of the section [Digitization in Everyday Life](https://www.goingdigital.de/) of the German Association of Cultural Anthropology and Folklore Studies (DGEKW) [Digital Futures in the Making: Imaginaries, Politics, and Materialities](https://www.kulturwissenschaften.uni-hamburg.de/ekw/forschung/digiekw-conference-22.html/) at University of Hamburg. date_date : 2022-09-16 tags : news, ---- As part of the panel "Negotiating Human-Computer Interaction in AI and beyond" Sarah Thanner shared insights into her ongoing PhD project on the development of interactive technologies in Cultural Anthropology.