~~NOCACHE~~ ~~NOTOC~~ # Physical-Digital Affordances Group, University of Regensburg **About** The *Physical-Digital Affordances Group* at the [University of Regensburg](https://www.ur.de) explores how the unique affordances of physical and digital media can be combined to enhance knowledge work and workflows [[about|(more about our goals)]]. The group is associated with the [[http://mi.ur.de|Chair of Media Informatics]] within the [Department of Informatics and Data Science](https://www.ur.de/informatik-data-science/fakultaet/startseite/index.html). It is led by [[people:raphael_wimmer|Dr. Raphael Wimmer]]. [[:people|People]] [[:contact|Contact]] [[http://www.ur.de/impressum/|Impressum]] [[:about|More...]] **News** ---- datatemplatelist nodiv---- template: wiki:accordion_template cols : title, date, description sort : ^date filter : %pageid%~news:* limit : 4 ---- [[:news|All...]] **Featured Projects** ---- datatemplatelist nodiv---- template: wiki:projects_template cols : title, %pageid% participants_, status_, featured, start_dt, end_dt, keywords_, photo_img, shortdescription_ sort : date filter : featured=yes ---- [[:projects|All...]] **Recent Publications** ---- datatemplatelist nodiv---- template: wiki:list_template cols : %title%, authors_, date, short-description, abstract, pdf_url, bibtex_url, video_url, photo, published-in sort : ^date filter : %pageid%~publications:* limit : 4 ---- [[:publications|All...]]