# Related Work A small collection of research and products relevant to interaction with physical and digital documents. ## Pen Interaction ### Pen Tracking [iSKN](http://www.iskn.co) - tracking arbitrary pens using a magnetic ring that is pushed onto pen and a board containing multiple magnetometers. [Short, unenthusiastic review](https://www.theverge.com/circuitbreaker/2016/10/27/13434636/iskn-slate-review-digitize-paper-drawings-magnetic-ring) (commercial product) ### E-ink Tablet [reMarkable](https://remarkable.com/) - e-ink tablet used for reading (highlighting and making notes on the page), writing and sketching. Feels like real paper and replace notebooks, sketchbooks and printouts. [Review - from BBC](http://www.bbc.com/news/av/technology-40107097/remarkable-digital-notepad-feels-like-real-paper) [Review - Business Insider](http://www.businessinsider.de/remarkable-paper-tablet-sketching-writing-photos-2017-5?r=US&IR=T) (commercial product - released November 2016) ### LCD tablet Sharp WG series - e.g., [Sharp WG-S30](http://www.sharp.co.jp/enote/products/wgs30.html) - [overview of different models in English](https://enote.neocities.org/) - only available in Japan - monochrome LCD, 600x800 ### Pen Scanner [PUP scanner](https://www.pupscan.com/) - pocket scanner shaped like a pen, portable, scans documents of different dimensions e.g. text documents, architecture plans etc., a smart device that uploads scanned documents to cloud or to be sent via email. Equipped with a camera, laser, LED that produces HD images better than using a smartphone camera for scanning. [Use cases](https://www.pupscan.com/uses-cases/) (commercial product) ### Smart Book [The Everlast Notebook](https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/642311833/everlast) - provides a classic pen and paper experience, paper made from polyester composite rather than wood, easily erasable using a wet towel, uses any pen from the Pilot Frixtion series. Uses Rocketbook app to scan documents and store them. Intelligent pages - contain a special QR code which tells the Rocketbook app the page number of each scan. (commercial product - released 2017) ### Smart Writing Set [The Moleskine Smart Writing Set](https://de.moleskine.com/de/smart-writing-set/p0202?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIlNeqps3P1wIVZ7vtCh0fwQA3EAAYAiAAEgLgvvD_BwE) - is a specially designed notebook that works together with a smartpen and an App to instantly digitize notes and sketches made on paper. Digital text and images can be created and shared with a smartphone or tablet. (commercial product)