Use cases and application scenarios for interactive tables

Over the course of the last few years, as part of the VIGITIA project, we have collected a wide range of ideas for possible use cases and application scenarios for interactive tabletops.

Some of the ideas listed below were already part of the VIGITIA scenario created in the initial phase of the project. The majority of the ideas presented below, however, have been developed as part of a participatory design process accompanying the technological development of our prototypes from 2020 to 2022. Thus, they result from our engagement with a broader public in the course of pop-up science exhibitions, an idea workshop with creative professionals, as well as an online survey on table usage. In addition, we added ideas that came up in internal brainstorming sessions in the PDA research group.

We already started categorizing the ideas collected - Click on one of the tags if you´re interested in a specific type of use case or application scenario. Or just browse through the list to get an overview.

If you have any questions about our collection of ideas or the participative design process they result from, feel free to contact Sarah Thanner (


Application-specific UI

Display a specific UI depending on the used application.

Tags: system utility
Source: Brainstorming 21.06.2021 (AS)

Board game memorizing

Save the status of your game board and continue the game the next day

Tags: gaming recording
Source: Brainstorming 21.06.2021 (FB)


Search help

Use the search function to quickly find things that have dropped from the table.

Tags: daily aid
Source: Brainstorming 21.06.2021 (FB)


Email checking

Check your emails

Tags: utility office
Source: Brainstorming 21.06.2021 (JH)

Music production

Use projected instruments like a piano for convenient music production

Tags: arts create
Source: Brainstorming 21.06.2021 (ML)

Activate tools

Activate tools by placing a specific combination of objects on the table

Tags: interaction tangibles system
Source: Brainstorming 21.06.2021 (RW)


Photo editing with physical filter tools

Edit pictures with physical filter tools.

Tags: pictures arts tangibles
Source: Brainstorming 21.06.2021 (RW)


Physical magic lens as debug view

Use a physical magic lens as debug view.

Tags: tangibles work
Source: Brainstorming 21.06.2021 (RW)

Puzzle helper

Hints are displayed if you struggle with solving the puzzle

Tags: gaming
Source: Brainstorming 21.06.2021 (RW)

Real-life dungeon master top view

Benefit from a real-life dungeon master top view.

Tags: gaming
Source: Brainstorming 21.06.2021 (RW)


QR codes

Use QR codes for adding new features and associating objects with them

Tags: tangibles system
Source: Brainstorming 21.06.2021 (RW)


Settlers of Catan Game

Play "Settlers of Catan" with hexagonal tiles

Tags: gaming augmented
Source: Echtler, F. (2018). SurfaceStreams: A Content-Agnostic Streaming Toolkit for Interactive Surfaces. The 31st Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology Adjunct Proceedings - UIST ’18 Adjunct, 10–12.

Augmented Dining

Show ingredients and nutritional value next to the dish

Tags: food augmented information health
Source: Echtler, F., & Wimmer, R. (2014). The Interactive Dining Table, or Pass the Weather Widget, Please. Proceedings of the Ninth ACM International Conference on Interactive Tabletops and Surfaces - ITS ’14, 419–422.

Calorie counting

Track and display your calorie intake

Tags: managing health food
Source: Ergebnisbericht Pop-Up-Store Tabelle 2, siehe Gesprächsprotokolle (Rohdaten vorhanden)

Menu card

Restaurant guests can choose a dish on the projected menu card

Tags: food restaurant
Source: Ergebnisbericht Pop-Up-Store Tabelle 2, siehe Gesprächsprotokolle (Rohdaten vorhanden)


Object information for children

Children can learn about objects by reading the projected information

Tags: learning augmented children
Source: Ergebnisbericht Pop-Up-Store Tabelle 2, siehe Gesprächsprotokolle (Rohdaten vorhanden)


Payment process in restaurants

Project price information next to the dishes to facilitate the payment process

Tags: information
Source: Ergebnisbericht Pop-Up-Store Tabelle 2, siehe Gesprächsprotokolle (Rohdaten vorhanden)

Augmented chessboard

Display possible moves next to the chess pieces on the board

Tags: gaming augmented
Source: Ergebnisbericht Pop-Up-Store Tabelle 3, siehe Gesprächsprotokolle (Rohdaten vorhanden)

Create websites

Create a website with projected tools and elements

Tags: create
Source: Ergebnisbericht Pop-Up-Store Tabelle 3, siehe Gesprächsprotokolle (Rohdaten vorhanden)


Image editing

Edit an image on the table

Tags: arts pictures
Source: Ergebnisbericht Pop-Up-Store Tabelle 3, siehe Gesprächsprotokolle (Rohdaten vorhanden)


Paper prototyping

Create a paper prototype

Tags: create
Source: Ergebnisbericht Pop-Up-Store Tabelle 3, siehe Gesprächsprotokolle (Rohdaten vorhanden)

Take measurements

Measure an object and display the generated information next to it

Tags: information
Source: Ergebnisbericht Pop-Up-Store Tabelle 3, siehe Gesprächsprotokolle (Rohdaten vorhanden)


Collaborative planning processes

Create and modify construction plans collaboratively

Tags: collaboration planning work
Source: Ergebnisbericht Pop-Up-Store Tabelle 4, siehe Gesprächsprotokolle (Rohdaten vorhanden)

File processing

Use the surface for convenient file processing

Tags: file work
Source: Ergebnisbericht Pop-Up-Store Tabelle 5


Handwriting recognition

Automatic recognition of handwritten notes

Tags: digitization
Source: Ergebnisbericht Pop-Up-Store Tabelle 5

Music control

Use the table to control your music

Tags: utility daily aid
Source: Ergebnisbericht Umfrage Tabelle 14 (Rohdaten Zeile 229)

Take notes

Take notes and pin them on the table

Tags: daily aid
Source: Ergebnisbericht Umfrage Tabelle 14 (Rohdaten vorhanden)



Step-by-step instructions for Lego models

Tags: gaming augmented
Source: Funk, M., Kosch, T., & Schmidt, A. (2016). Interactive worker assistance: Comparing the effects of in-situ projection, head-mounted displays, tablet, and paper instructions. Proceedings of the 2016 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing - UbiComp ’16, 934–939.

City planning

Use the surface for interactive city planning

Tags: planning work
Source: Gesprächsprotokolle Pop-Up-Store Z. 63

Create a photo album

Project photos and create a photo album

Tags: pictures images create
Source: Onlineumfrage „Tischnutzung im Alltag“ 2020, Ergebnisbericht Tabelle 14 (Rohdaten Zeile 100)


Pin code snippets

Pin code snippets to your surface for convenient coding

Tags: work
Source: Onlineumfrage „Tischnutzung im Alltag“ 2020, Ergebnisbericht Tabelle 14 (Rohdaten Zeile 110)


Drink reminder

Display regular reminders to drink water and record if you drink enough.

Tags: health notification
Source: Onlineumfrage „Tischnutzung im Alltag“ 2020, Ergebnisbericht Tabelle 14 (Rohdaten Zeile 155)


Create a mind map

Tags: create
Source: Onlineumfrage „Tischnutzung im Alltag“ 2020, Ergebnisbericht Tabelle 14 (Rohdaten Zeile 160), Brainstorming 21.06.2021 (TF)


Talk to your table

Talk to your table via an integrated voice assistant

Tags: interaction system
Source: Onlineumfrage „Tischnutzung im Alltag“ 2020, Ergebnisbericht Tabelle 14 (Rohdaten Zeile 245)

Cooking tutorial

Display a cooking video to help you cook a dish step-by-step

Tags: cooking tutorial
Source: Onlineumfrage „Tischnutzung im Alltag“ 2020, Ergebnisbericht Tabelle 14 (Rohdaten Zeile 25)


Display timetables

Display timetables for trains and busses

Tags: managing information
Source: Onlineumfrage „Tischnutzung im Alltag“ 2020, Ergebnisbericht Tabelle 14 (Rohdaten Zeile 254)


Team lineup planning

Plan the lineup of your team

Tags: meeting work
Source: Onlineumfrage „Tischnutzung im Alltag“ 2020, Ergebnisbericht Tabelle 14 (Rohdaten Zeile 264)


Grocery shopping planning

Create a grocery list

Tags: planning daily aid
Source: Onlineumfrage „Tischnutzung im Alltag“ 2020, Ergebnisbericht Tabelle 14 (Rohdaten Zeile 28)

Collaborative Whiteboard

Use the surface as a collaborative whiteboard to take notes during a meeting or use it as an asynchronous whiteboard and leave notes on the table that can later be read by your colleagues

Tags: collaboration work meeting
Source: Onlineumfrage „Tischnutzung im Alltag“ 2020, Ergebnisbericht Tabelle 14 (Rohdaten Zeile 60)

Measure volume and weight of objects

Measure the volume and weight of an object and display the results

Tags: information augmented
Source: Onlineumfrage „Tischnutzung im Alltag“ 2020, Ergebnisbericht Tabelle 14 (Rohdaten Zeile 80)


Display circuit diagrams

Display circuit diagrams on the table

Tags: information
Source: Onlineumfrage „Tischnutzung im Alltag“ 2020, Ergebnisbericht Tabelle 14 (Rohdaten Zeile 98)

Budget tracking

Provide a tool in order to keep track of your budget, e.g. by recognizing bills

Tags: managing
Source: PopUp-Science-Ausstellung „VIGITIA meets DEGGINGER 2.0“, Prototype 1, 2021 (raw data available)

Color information

Display information on colors for color blind people

Tags: accessibility
Source: PopUp-Science-Ausstellung „VIGITIA meets DEGGINGER 2.0“, Prototype 1, 2021 (raw data available)

Convert 2D drawings into 3D models

Provide a tool that is able to convert 2D drawings into 3D models

Tags: arts drawing
Source: PopUp-Science-Ausstellung „VIGITIA meets DEGGINGER 2.0“, Prototype 1, 2021 (raw data available)


Draw on photographs

Project a tool that allows to digitally draw on photographs and save it

Tags: arts drawing pictures
Source: PopUp-Science-Ausstellung „VIGITIA meets DEGGINGER 2.0“, Prototype 1, 2021 (raw data available)


Find things

Find things on the table admist chaos

Tags: daily aid
Source: PopUp-Science-Ausstellung „VIGITIA meets DEGGINGER 2.0“, Prototype 1, 2021 (raw data available)


Homework support

Support children doing their homework with projected information

Tags: teaching learning
Source: PopUp-Science-Ausstellung „VIGITIA meets DEGGINGER 2.0“, Prototype 1, 2021 (raw data available)

Pen and paper games

Support pen and paper game playing

Tags: gaming
Source: PopUp-Science-Ausstellung „VIGITIA meets DEGGINGER 2.0“, Prototype 1, 2021 (raw data available)

Play digital-analogue board games

Play digital-analogue board games on the table

Tags: gaming
Source: PopUp-Science-Ausstellung „VIGITIA meets DEGGINGER 2.0“, Prototype 1, 2021 (raw data available)


Product information

Display additional information on products that can be changed or fitted, e.g. jewelry or watches

Tags: augmented information
Source: PopUp-Science-Ausstellung „VIGITIA meets DEGGINGER 2.0“, Prototype 1, 2021 (raw data available)


Recognize people

Recognize people who are sitting at the table

Tags: people
Source: PopUp-Science-Ausstellung „VIGITIA meets DEGGINGER 2.0“, Prototype 1, 2021 (raw data available)

Result presentation

Present results of work by individuals and groups to others on different tables

Tags: presentating sharing collaboration
Source: PopUp-Science-Ausstellung „VIGITIA meets DEGGINGER 2.0“, Prototype 1, 2021 (raw data available)

Send medical reports

Send digital copies of analogue medical reports to someone via the table

Tags: health
Source: PopUp-Science-Ausstellung „VIGITIA meets DEGGINGER 2.0“, Prototype 1, 2021 (raw data available)

Share feedback

Share your feedback, e.g. in class, with others and project it onto a nearby wall

Tags: presentating sharing collaboration
Source: PopUp-Science-Ausstellung „VIGITIA meets DEGGINGER 2.0“, Prototype 1, 2021 (raw data available)

Signature digitization

Digitalize your signature

Tags: digitization
Source: PopUp-Science-Ausstellung „VIGITIA meets DEGGINGER 2.0“, Prototype 1, 2021 (raw data available)


Text magnifier

Support people with poor eyesight by providing a digital tool to enlarge text

Tags: accessibility
Source: PopUp-Science-Ausstellung „VIGITIA meets DEGGINGER 2.0“, Prototype 1, 2021 (raw data available)


Diagnostic support

Support doctors in diagnostics (e.g. recognition of skin diseases)

Tags: health
Source: PopUp-Science-Ausstellung „VIGITIA meets DEGGINGER 2.0“, Prototype 1, 2021 (raw data available)


Manage lab results

Support doctors when evaluating and comparing lab results by displaying the results and offering automatic comparison.

Tags: health
Source: PopUp-Science-Ausstellung „VIGITIA meets DEGGINGER 2.0“, Prototype 1, 2021 (raw data available)


Play Memory

Play Memory together with others

Tags: gaming
Source: PopUp-Science-Ausstellung „VIGITIA meets DEGGINGER 2.0“, Prototype 1, 2021 (raw data available)


Project X-rays

Project X-rays onto the table for doctors

Tags: health
Source: PopUp-Science-Ausstellung „VIGITIA meets DEGGINGER 2.0“, Prototype 1, 2021 (raw data available)


Recognize supermarket products

Recognize products at the cash register or scale of a supermarket and display additional information regarding prices and names of the items

Tags: food information
Source: PopUp-Science-Ausstellung „VIGITIA meets DEGGINGER 2.0“, Prototype 1, 2021 (raw data available)


Building models

Provide analytical tools for architects and help building models

Tags: work
Source: PopUp-Science-Ausstellung „VIGITIA meets DEGGINGER 2.0“, Prototype 2, 2021 (raw data available)


Draw by numbers

Display an application in order to draw by numbers on the table

Tags: gaming drawing
Source: PopUp-Science-Ausstellung „VIGITIA meets DEGGINGER 2.0“, Prototype 2, 2021 (raw data available)


Edit maps and plans

Provide a tool in order to edit maps and plans

Tags: file work
Source: PopUp-Science-Ausstellung „VIGITIA meets DEGGINGER 2.0“, Prototype 2, 2021 (raw data available)


Error recognition in production lines

Recognize errors in industrial production lines, e.g. rotten fruit

Tags: work
Source: PopUp-Science-Ausstellung „VIGITIA meets DEGGINGER 2.0“, Prototype 2, 2021 (raw data available)


Instructions for impaired

Display instructions in order to support mentally impaired people

Tags: accessibility tutorials
Source: PopUp-Science-Ausstellung „VIGITIA meets DEGGINGER 2.0“, Prototype 2, 2021 (raw data available)


Project technical drawings

Project technical drawings onto metal objects

Tags: augmented
Source: PopUp-Science-Ausstellung „VIGITIA meets DEGGINGER 2.0“, Prototype 2, 2021 (raw data available)


Support for production steps

Provide support for production steps

Tags: tutorials work
Source: PopUp-Science-Ausstellung „VIGITIA meets DEGGINGER 2.0“, Prototype 2, 2021 (raw data available)


Support sawing work

Support sawing work, e.g. project 3D models

Tags: augmented crafts create
Source: PopUp-Science-Ausstellung „VIGITIA meets DEGGINGER 2.0“, Prototype 2, 2021 (raw data available)

Birthday wishes

Send birthday wishes via the table

Tags: people communication
Source: PopUp-Science-Ausstellung „VIGITIA meets DEGGINGER 2.0“, Prototype 3, 2021 (raw data available)

Meeting recordings

Record what happens on the table during meetings

Tags: recording work meeting
Source: PopUp-Science-Ausstellung „VIGITIA meets DEGGINGER 2.0“, Prototype 3, 2021 (raw data available)


Post-processing of 3D prints

Support post-processing of 3D prints

Tags: crafts
Source: PopUp-Science-Ausstellung „VIGITIA meets DEGGINGER 2.0“, Prototype 3, 2021 (raw data available)


Projecting for baking support

Support baking by projecting shapes and cutout options onto dough

Tags: cooking baking
Source: PopUp-Science-Ausstellung „VIGITIA meets DEGGINGER 2.0“, Prototype 3, 2021 (raw data available)

Table surface screenshot

Make photos of the table surface

Tags: recording
Source: PopUp-Science-Ausstellung „VIGITIA meets DEGGINGER 2.0“, Prototype 3, 2021 (raw data available)


Table time lapse

Make time lapse recordings of what happened on the table

Tags: recording
Source: PopUp-Science-Ausstellung „VIGITIA meets DEGGINGER 2.0“, Prototype 3, 2021 (raw data available)


Air Hockey

Play Air Hockey on the table together with others

Tags: gaming
Source: PopUp-Science-Ausstellung „VIGITIA meets DEGGINGER“ 2020 (Rohdaten vorhanden)


Augmented exhibits

Display information next to exhibits on a table at a museum

Tags: museum information
Source: PopUp-Science-Ausstellung „VIGITIA meets DEGGINGER“ 2020 (Rohdaten vorhanden)

Building instructions

Recognize building components and provide step by step building instructions

Tags: tutorial augmented
Source: PopUp-Science-Ausstellung „VIGITIA meets DEGGINGER“ 2020 (Rohdaten vorhanden)

Calendar management

Display an interactive calendar application on the table

Tags: managing daily aid utility
Source: PopUp-Science-Ausstellung „VIGITIA meets DEGGINGER“ 2020 (Rohdaten vorhanden)

Chess recording

Record the chessboard during a game and in order to analyze your moves afterwards

Tags: gaming recording
Source: PopUp-Science-Ausstellung „VIGITIA meets DEGGINGER“ 2020 (Rohdaten vorhanden)

Collaborative drawing

Digitally draw on the table together with other people, e.g. with your fingers, and share your drawings with others

Tags: collaboration drawing arts sharing
Source: PopUp-Science-Ausstellung „VIGITIA meets DEGGINGER“ 2020 (Rohdaten vorhanden)


Communication tool for deaf people

Display written language on the table to improve communication between deaf people and people who do not speak sign languages

Tags: accessibility
Source: PopUp-Science-Ausstellung „VIGITIA meets DEGGINGER“ 2020 (Rohdaten vorhanden)


Construction planning

Show helpful information for creating construction plans

Tags: work planning augmented
Source: PopUp-Science-Ausstellung „VIGITIA meets DEGGINGER“ 2020 (Rohdaten vorhanden)

Control stovetop

Manipulate your stovetop via a projected application on the table

Tags: cooking smart home
Source: PopUp-Science-Ausstellung „VIGITIA meets DEGGINGER“ 2020 (Rohdaten vorhanden)

Cooking recipes

Browse and display recipes on the table during cooking

Tags: cooking tutorial
Source: PopUp-Science-Ausstellung „VIGITIA meets DEGGINGER“ 2020 (Rohdaten vorhanden)


Cooking stream

Share a video stream of the cooking process with others, e.g. in a restaurant

Tags: cooking sharing
Source: PopUp-Science-Ausstellung „VIGITIA meets DEGGINGER“ 2020 (Rohdaten vorhanden)

Correct school assignments

Provide an application that allows teachers to digitally correct students’ assignments on the table

Tags: teaching
Source: PopUp-Science-Ausstellung „VIGITIA meets DEGGINGER“ 2020 (Rohdaten vorhanden)

Count objects

Automatic recognition of the number of objects placed on the table

Tags: tangibles
Source: PopUp-Science-Ausstellung „VIGITIA meets DEGGINGER“ 2020 (Rohdaten vorhanden)

Dance tutorial

Projected step-by-step instructions help you learn a dance choreography

Tags: tutorial sports
Source: PopUp-Science-Ausstellung „VIGITIA meets DEGGINGER“ 2020 (Rohdaten vorhanden)

Display files

Recognize and display customer or patient files on the table and interact with them, e.g. in administration or when doing patient rounds

Tags: health file work information
Source: PopUp-Science-Ausstellung „VIGITIA meets DEGGINGER“ 2020 (Rohdaten vorhanden)

Display nutritional information

Display nutrition and calorie information of food stuffs (e.g. at home or in the supermarket) and track your calorie intake

Tags: food health information
Source: PopUp-Science-Ausstellung „VIGITIA meets DEGGINGER“ 2020 (Rohdaten vorhanden)


Education support

Virtually link students’ and teacher’s tables and mirror what the teacher shows or what the students do, e.g. in school, professional training, workshops or medical as well as technical training

Tags: teaching learning sharing
Source: PopUp-Science-Ausstellung „VIGITIA meets DEGGINGER“ 2020 (Rohdaten vorhanden)


Educational games

Support learning experiences with projected educational games and information for students, e.g. when learning a language

Tags: gaming information teaching learning
Source: PopUp-Science-Ausstellung „VIGITIA meets DEGGINGER“ 2020 (Rohdaten vorhanden)


Error tracking

Use video recording of the surface to identify errors in your workflow

Tags: recording
Source: PopUp-Science-Ausstellung „VIGITIA meets DEGGINGER“ 2020 (Rohdaten vorhanden)

Extend screen of digital devices

Use the table surface as an extended screen for mobile digital devices, e.g. smartphones or laptops

Tags: intermediality
Source: PopUp-Science-Ausstellung „VIGITIA meets DEGGINGER“ 2020 (Rohdaten vorhanden)

Games night

Play board games with friends and family who are at other locations by mirroring the board and game pieces on the tables

Tags: gaming sharing
Source: PopUp-Science-Ausstellung „VIGITIA meets DEGGINGER“ 2020 (Rohdaten vorhanden)


Help tools for drawing

Display information and tools to support drawing processes, e.g. for architects or city planners

Tags: drawing information
Source: PopUp-Science-Ausstellung „VIGITIA meets DEGGINGER“ 2020 (Rohdaten vorhanden)

Image editing and layout creation

Edit an image on the table, work on a graphics layout or paper prototype

Tags: arts pictures
Source: PopUp-Science-Ausstellung „VIGITIA meets DEGGINGER“ 2020 (Rohdaten vorhanden)


Instructions for trainees

Project practical instructions to teach operations step-by-step

Tags: tutorials
Source: PopUp-Science-Ausstellung „VIGITIA meets DEGGINGER“ 2020 (Rohdaten vorhanden)

Interact with mobile digital devices

Pull files, e.g. images, from a mobile digital device onto the table surface, move them around and change their size

Tags: intermediality
Source: PopUp-Science-Ausstellung „VIGITIA meets DEGGINGER“ 2020 (Rohdaten vorhanden)


Interactive floor plan

Generate true to scale digital representations of your furniture and place them on a digital floor plan

Tags: planning
Source: PopUp-Science-Ausstellung „VIGITIA meets DEGGINGER“ 2020 (Rohdaten vorhanden)

Inventory check

Recognize and track items on the table in order to manage inventory data, e.g. wine bottles or dishes in a hotel business

Tags: managing
Source: PopUp-Science-Ausstellung „VIGITIA meets DEGGINGER“ 2020 (Rohdaten vorhanden)

Leave (handwritten) notes

Add and display (handwritten) notes on the table

Tags: office
Source: PopUp-Science-Ausstellung „VIGITIA meets DEGGINGER“ 2020 (Rohdaten vorhanden)

Measure objects

Automatically display measurements of certain objects on a table

Tags: information augmented
Source: PopUp-Science-Ausstellung „VIGITIA meets DEGGINGER“ 2020 (Rohdaten vorhanden)

Medical dietetics

Display nutritional information of food stuffs, e.g. for people with diabetes or food intolerances

Tags: food health
Source: PopUp-Science-Ausstellung „VIGITIA meets DEGGINGER“ 2020 (Rohdaten vorhanden)


Medication management

Project helpful information to support daily medication intake, e.g. for elderly people

Tags: health information
Source: PopUp-Science-Ausstellung „VIGITIA meets DEGGINGER“ 2020 (Rohdaten vorhanden)


Meetings and conferences

Enable collaboration during meetings and conferences by projecting documents

Tags: collaboration meeting work
Source: PopUp-Science-Ausstellung „VIGITIA meets DEGGINGER“ 2020 (Rohdaten vorhanden)


Memory collection

Collect and share memorabilia as projected notes or images on the table, e.g. for people with dementia

Tags: pictures accessibility
Source: PopUp-Science-Ausstellung „VIGITIA meets DEGGINGER“ 2020 (Rohdaten vorhanden)


Display menu on the dining table in a restaurant

Tags: food information restaurant
Source: PopUp-Science-Ausstellung „VIGITIA meets DEGGINGER“ 2020 (Rohdaten vorhanden)

Mirror documents

Mirror documents on the tables of people in different locations during online conferences

Tags: sharing meeting
Source: PopUp-Science-Ausstellung „VIGITIA meets DEGGINGER“ 2020 (Rohdaten vorhanden)

Newspaper reading

Display a digital newspaper on the table

Tags: reading
Source: PopUp-Science-Ausstellung „VIGITIA meets DEGGINGER“ 2020 (Rohdaten vorhanden)

Push notifications

Display push notifications from a smartphone on the table

Tags: notifications intermediality
Source: PopUp-Science-Ausstellung „VIGITIA meets DEGGINGER“ 2020 (Rohdaten vorhanden)


Sorting process

Support sorting processes, e.g. when sorting small parts on a table or on an assembly line

Tags: augmented work
Source: PopUp-Science-Ausstellung „VIGITIA meets DEGGINGER“ 2020 (Rohdaten vorhanden)


Support carpentry work

Project templates onto wooden material and flexibly adjust them when doing carpentry work

Tags: augmented create
Source: PopUp-Science-Ausstellung „VIGITIA meets DEGGINGER“ 2020 (Rohdaten vorhanden)


Support pottery work

Project shapes onto ceramic material in order to cut it to size

Tags: augmented crafts create
Source: PopUp-Science-Ausstellung „VIGITIA meets DEGGINGER“ 2020 (Rohdaten vorhanden)


Support welding work

Project orientation marks on objects during welding work

Tags: augmented crafts create
Source: PopUp-Science-Ausstellung „VIGITIA meets DEGGINGER“ 2020 (Rohdaten vorhanden)


Support Payment process

Display an application on the table that allows you to pay in a restaurant

Tags: restaurant
Source: PopUp-Science-Ausstellung „VIGITIA meets DEGGINGER“ 2020 (Rohdaten vorhanden)

Learning foreign languages

Project the translated names of objects on the table to learn vocabulary. The words can be transferred to quizlet

Tags: learning augmented
Source: PopUp-Science-Ausstellung „VIGITIA meets DEGGINGER“ 2020 (Rohdaten vorhanden))


Film editing

Move a tangible to edit and cut video material

Tags: tangibles arts
Source: PopUp-Science-Ausstellung „VIGITIA meets DEGGINGER“ 2020 (Rohdaten vorhanden)---


Stop Motion Tool

Place your scene on the table -> table takes picture -> move scene forward by one frame -> table takes picture -> ... -> Table creates animation from single frames and can play it as a video

Tags: recording pictures create
Source: Raphael Wimmer /

Ambient light

Use projector as a configurable light source for the table

Tags: light mood scene
Source: VIGITIA scenario (see

Ambient notifications

Show weather or traffic forecasts during breakfast

Tags: notifications ambient utility
Source: VIGITIA scenario (see

Augmented Board Games

Track scores and support new players, display possible moves

Tags: gaming augmented
Source: VIGITIA scenario (see

Augmented sheet music

Highlight musical notes in sheet music

Tags: music augmented
Source: VIGITIA scenario (see

Browse through projected documents and pictures

Browse through projected documents and pictures.

Tags: file work
Source: VIGITIA scenario (see

Clean the table Game

A serious game for children to enhance tidiness.

Tags: gaming children
Source: VIGITIA scenario (see

Cooking instructions for ingredients

Cooking instructions for ingredients which are recognised on the table.

Tags: cooking tutorial
Source: VIGITIA scenario (see


Display clock/timer

Display a a clock, a timer or similar information on the table

Tags: information notification utility
Source: VIGITIA scenario (see


Group Mirror application: Moderate discussions

Moderate rounds of discussions by tracking talking times of each participant

Tags: meeting work
Source: VIGITIA scenario (see


Interactive tour

Interactive tour through the features of the system.

Tags: tutorial system
Source: VIGITIA scenario (see

Send documents to printer

Send virtual (projected) or physical pages to the printer by moving them to a printer icon on the table

Tags: file work office
Source: VIGITIA scenario (see

Set the table

Project where plates and cutlery should be placed

Tags: information gaming children
Source: VIGITIA scenario (see

Smartphone images on the table

Show smartphone images on the table to interact with them

Tags: intermediality pictures
Source: VIGITIA scenario (see


Table as scanner

Cameras could automatically scan everything that is placed on the table (e.g. documents, pictures)

Tags: digitization recording
Source: VIGITIA scenario (see


Telepresence mode

Telepresence mode for mirroring objects on other tables.

Tags: telepresence sharing
Source: VIGITIA scenario (see

Projected Piano

Play on a projected piano

Tags: music
Source: Weing, M., Röhlig, A., Rogers, K., Gugenheimer, J., Schaub, F., Könings, B., Rukzio, E., & Weber, M. (2013). P.I.A.N.O.: Enhancing instrument learning via interactive projected augmentation. Proceedings of the 2013 ACM Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing Adjunct Publication, 75–78.


Sketchable interaction

see paper of Jürgen Hahn

Tags: system
Source: Wimmer, R., & Hahn, J. (2018). A Concept for Sketchable Workspaces and Workflows.


Dyslexia Simulator

Visualize on a book/document on the table how it feels to have dyslexia

Tags: learning teaching accessibility
Source: Yong, Z. F., Ng, A. L., & Nakayama, Y. (2019, October). The Dyslexperience: Use of Projection Mapping to Simulate Dyslexia. In 2019 International Conference on Multimodal Interaction (pp. 493-495).

Coffee consumption

Record your coffee consumption

Tags: augmented health
Source: random idea (UR)

Collage/Photomontage tool

Create scenes from pyhsical and projected elements, combine different „layers“ to a new image

Tags: scene tangibles arts
Source: random idea (UR)

Connecting objects and activities

If a certain object is placed on the table, a connected activity starts

Tags: augmented system tangibles
Source: random idea (UR)


Handcrafting instructions

Support handcrafting

Tags: augmented arts create
Source: random idea (UR)


History of Table

show what happend on this table in the past

Tags: recording
Source: random idea (UR)

Plant health

Show the health/detect diseases of a plant on the table

Tags: augmented
Source: random idea (UR)

Recipe suggestions for present ingredients

Place what you have on the table and you will get possible recipes

Tags: cooking
Source: random idea (UR)

Smartphone apps on the table

Display apps from a smartphone using the table as a large screen

Tags: intermediality
Source: random idea (UR)


Support sewing

Support sewing processes through projecting patterns and wrinkle lines on a fabric

Tags: augmented crafts create
Source: random idea (UR)

Surveys on the table

E.g. in a café, you can rate your food/drinks/experience

Tags: restaurant
Source: random idea (UR)

Table as canvas

Draw on the table

Tags: drawing
Source: random idea (UR)


Tea time

Reminder to take your teabag out

Tags: utility
Source: random idea (UR)

Puzzle Game

Do a projected jigsaw puzzle or solve a puzzle that is created from your favorite picture. You can also choose from different levels of difficulty.

Tags: gaming
Source: random idea (UR), Brainstorming 21.06.2021 (ML)