Physical-Digital Affordances Group, University of Regensburg


The Physical-Digital Affordances Group at the University of Regensburg explores how the unique affordances of physical and digital media can be combined to enhance knowledge work and workflows (more about our goals).

The group is associated with the Chair of Media Informatics within the Department of Informatics and Data Science. It is led by Dr. Raphael Wimmer.


2023-04-24: Measuring the Latency of Graphics Frameworks on X11-Based Systems

Andreas Schmid presents Late Breaking Work on the latency of graphics frameworks at CHI 2023 in Hamburg. (more...)

2022-11-22: BMBF meeting Human-Technology Interaction

We presented the progress of the VIGITIA project and our current prototypes of interactive tabletop applications at the final meeting of the BMBF program “Innovation and Technology Partnerships for Human-Technology Interaction: Intelligent, Connected Objects for Everyday Life” at Berlin Open Lab. (more...)

2022-11-11: Ongoing cooperation with Industrial Design students at OTH Regenburg

Last Friday we welcomed a new group of students taking the elective course “Pleasing Objects” of the Industrial Design program at OTH Regensburg together with their lecturer Katharina Scheidig at our VR4 lab. (more...)

2022-10-29: Workshop at Code Week Bayern together with Philipp Rümmer

Raphael Wimmer will be supporting Philipp Rümmer in organizing the programming workshop Rätsel lösen mit dem Computer: Experimente mit Constraintprogrammierung during Code Week Bayern. (more...)