Physical-Digital Affordances Group, University of Regensburg


The Physical-Digital Affordances Group at the University of Regensburg explores how the unique affordances of physical and digital media can be combined to enhance knowledge work and workflows (more about our goals).

The group is associated with the Chair of Media Informatics within the Department of Informatics and Data Science. It is led by Dr. Raphael Wimmer.


2018-02-01: Jürgen Hahn joins the group

Jürgen Hahn joined our group today as a PhD student. Jürgen recently finished his M.Sc. at University of Regensburg under the supervision of Bernd Ludwig. (more...)

2018-01-09: Invited Talk at TU Dresden

Raphael Wimmer gave a talk about “Keeping the User in Control” at the Interactive Media Lab led by Raimund Dachselt at TU Dresden. Slides (PDF) (more...)

2017-10-16: Florian Bockes joins the group

Florian Bockes joined our group today as a PhD student. Florian recently finished his M.Sc. at University of Regensburg under the supervision of Christian Wolff. (more...)

2017-08-16: Preetha Moorthy joins the group

Preetha Moorthy joined our group today as a PhD student. Preetha recently finished her M.Sc. at Bauhaus University Weimar under the supervision of Eva Hornecker. (more...)

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