Physical-Digital Affordances Group, University of Regensburg


The Physical-Digital Affordances Group at the University of Regensburg explores how the unique affordances of physical and digital media can be combined to enhance knowledge work and workflows (more about our goals).

The group is associated with the Chair of Media Informatics within the Department of Informatics and Data Science. It is led by Dr. Raphael Wimmer.


2019-09-14: Presenting our research at the 60th anniversary festivities of Infineon Regensburg

Raphael Wimmer presented past and ongoing research projects at the University of Regensburg booth. (more...)

2019-08-09: My table - the interactive helper

Researchers at the University of Regensburg are developing interactive table surfaces to make everyday life easier. (more...)

We present the goals and methods of the VIGITIA project in a position paper. The paper will be presented at the VARECo workshop on September 8, 2019, as part of the Mensch und Computer 2019 conference. (more...)

2019-07-25: VIGITIA: Kick-Off Meeting at University of Regensburg

On 25.07.2019, the VIGITIA partners gathered for a first joint meeting at the University of Regensburg. (more...)

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