Physical-Digital Affordances Group, University of Regensburg


The Physical-Digital Affordances Group at the University of Regensburg explores how the unique affordances of physical and digital media can be combined to enhance knowledge work and workflows (more about our goals).

The group is associated with the Chair of Media Informatics within the Department of Informatics and Data Science. It is led by Dr. Raphael Wimmer.


2022-09-07: Mensch und Computer 2022

At this year´s Mensch und Computer conference, Andreas Schmid and Vitus Maierhöfer organized the 15th workshop Be-greifbare Interaktion. (more...)

2022-08-29: VIGITIA meets Degginger 4.0

The pop-up-science exhibition “VIGITIA meets Degginger” enters its fourth round. (more...)

2022-08-11: DotTrack at SIGGRAPH'22

At the SIGGRAPH'22 conference, Andreas Schmid presented the paper Determining the Orientation of Low Resolution Images of a De-Bruijn Tracking Pattern with a CNN as a virtual poster. (more...)

2022-08-04: Visit by mayor Christian Moser (Deggendorf)

The mayor of Deggendorf, Christian Moser, visited our Lab VR4 where we presented some demos. (more...)

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