Physical-Digital Affordances Group, University of Regensburg


The Physical-Digital Affordances Group at the University of Regensburg explores how the unique affordances of physical and digital media can be combined to enhance knowledge work and workflows (more about our goals).

The group is associated with the Chair of Media Informatics within the Department of Informatics and Data Science. It is led by Dr. Raphael Wimmer.


2018-11-20: Stellenausschreibung: SHK/WHK zur Mitarbeit in der Gruppe

Zur Mitarbeit in der ZD.B-Nachwuchsforschungsgruppe “Physical-Digital Affordances” suchen wir mehrere engagierte studentische/wissenschaftliche Hilfskräfte. (more...)

2018-09-02: DotTrack at 'Mensch und Computer 2018' in Dresden

We will present the current state of our DotTrack project at Mensch und Computer 2018. (more...)

2018-04-21: PDA Group at CHI '2018

We will present a poster and a workshop paper at CHI 2018. (more...)

2018-04-09: Presenting 'Files as Directories' at Salon de Refusés 2018

On 9. April 2018, Raphael Wimmer presented initial work on using file system semantics for accessing structured data within files at the Salon de Refusés 2018. (more...)

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