Sitemap This is a sitemap over all available pages ordered by namespaces. courses events news people playground projects latency sketchable_interaction vigitia use_cases Activate tools Air Hockey Ambient light Ambient notifications Application-specific UI Augmented Board Games Augmented chessboard Augmented Dining Augmented exhibits Augmented sheet music Birthday wishes Board game memorizing Browse through projected documents and pictures Budget tracking Building instructions Building models Calendar management Calorie counting Chess recording City planning Clean the table Game Coffee consumption Collaborative drawing Collaborative planning processes Collaborative Whiteboard Collage/Photomontage tool Color information Communication tool for deaf people Connecting objects and activities Construction planning Control stovetop Convert 2D drawings into 3D models Cooking instructions for ingredients Cooking recipes Cooking stream Cooking tutorial Correct school assignments Count objects Create a photo album Create websites Dance tutorial Diagnostic support Display circuit diagrams Display clock/timer Display files Display nutritional information Display timetables Draw by numbers Draw on photographs Drink reminder Dyslexia Simulator Edit maps and plans Educational games Education support Email checking Error recognition in production lines Error tracking Extend screen of digital devices File processing Film editing Find things Games night Grocery shopping planning Group Mirror application: Moderate discussions Handcrafting instructions Handwriting recognition Help tools for drawing History of Table Homework support Image editing Image editing and layout creation Instructions for impaired Instructions for trainees Interactive floor plan Interactive tour Interact with mobile digital devices Inventory check Learning foreign languages Leave (handwritten) notes Lego Manage lab results Measure objects Measure volume and weight of objects Medical dietetics Medication management Meetings and conferences Meeting recordings Memory collection Menu Menu card Mindmapping Mirror documents Music control Music production Newspaper reading Object information for children Paper prototyping Payment process in restaurants Pen and paper games Photo editing with physical filter tools Physical magic lens as debug view Pin code snippets placeholder Plant health Play digital-analogue board games Play Memory Post-processing of 3D prints Product information Projected Piano Projecting for baking support Project technical drawings Project X-rays Push notifications Puzzle Game Puzzle helper QR codes Real-life dungeon master top view Recipe suggestions for present ingredients Recognize people Recognize supermarket products Result presentation Search help Send documents to printer Send medical reports Settlers of Catan Game Set the table Share feedback Signature digitization Sketchable interaction Smartphone apps on the table Smartphone images on the table Sorting process Stop Motion Tool Support carpentry work Support for production steps Support Payment process Support pottery work Support sawing work Support sewing Support welding work Surveys on the table Table as canvas Table as scanner Table surface screenshot Table time lapse Take measurements Take notes Talk to your table Team lineup planning Tea time Telepresence mode Text magnifier Participative design in the VIGITIA project Use cases and application scenarios for interactive tables Project: Our Pop-Up Christmas card for 2020 Project: Anoto Reverse Engineering Project: CovPass-Scanner: a dedicated solution for COVID-19 certificate scanning Project: BirdsEye: Capturing top-view images of tabletop usage Project: Our Video Christmas card for 2023 Project: CoShare: a Multi-Pointer Collaborative Screen Sharing Tool Project: Custom HTML Editor for an internal Content Management Scenario Project: Prototype deployment in the Degginger Cafe Project: Digital Tools for Universities Project: DIY Approach to Measuring Display Reaction Time Project: @@title@@ Project: DotTrack Project: Analysing the eAkte/eFile landscape in Germany Project: Yet Another Latency Measuring Device Project: Wireless printing on an E-Paper display Project: Extensible Clipboard Project: Measuring the Latency of Graphics Frameworks Project: GraphIT Project: Incorporating Hand-Writing Detection and Recognition into Physical-Digital Workflows and Workspaces Project: Annotation Extraction with Infrared Light Project: Input Device Latency Project: Latency Measurement @@%title%@@ Project: PAtrack - Tracking physical personnel files in HR Project: Pop-Up Participatory Design facilitates Ideation, User Research, and Outreach Project: Reading on Different Media Project: RelaTrack Project: ScreenshotMatcher - Taking Smartphone Photos to Capture Screenshots Project: Sketchable Interaction Project: Standardized Study Designs for Human-Computer Interaction Project: Survey on table use in everyday life Project: Sketching with Hardware Project: Project: TipTrack: Precise, Low-Latency, Robust Optical Pen Tracking on Arbitrary Surfaces Using an IR-Emitting Pen Tip Project: Touch tracking and surface projection (by EXTEND3D) Project: Universal Files Project: Hacking a 'Video Brochure' Project: BMBF-Verbundprojekt VIGITIA - Vernetzte Intelligente Gegenstände durch, auf und um interaktive Tische im Alltag Project: Vigitia Meets Degginger (September 2020) Project: Vigitia Meets Degginger 2.0 (September 2021) Project: VIGITIA meets Degginger 3.0 (March 2022) Project: Applying Voting Methods in User Research publications talks templates thoughts wiki About the research group Upcoming HCI Conference and Journal Deadlines Contact Cool Hardware Definitions of common HCI terms General timeline of a PhD framework_latency_problem Mailing Lists, HCI-related navbar News People Doktorandenstellen / PhD Opportunities In the media Projects Project Ideas Publications Reading List sandbox Stelle als Studentische Hilfskraft Physical-Digital Affordances Group, University of Regensburg Tools and Methods Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter (m/w/d) / research assistant Welcome to our group Log In