Raphael Wimmer


Office hours: Tuesday, 13-15 and Thursday, 12-14 (reserve a time slot).

ORCID iD iconorcid.org/0000-0001-5162-5113
DBLP icondblp.org/pid/68/3746.html

Raphael Wimmer is a tenured lecturer at the University of Regensburg where he leads the *Physical-Digital Affordances' research group at the Chair of Media Informatics.

Raphael studied media informatics at the University of Munich (LMU) where he also received his PhD for a thesis on "Grasp-Sensitive Surfaces". His research revolves around technical, ergonomic, and organizational aspects of human-computer interaction. (more info in German and English)

"Graph-based Development of Curricula and Courses" (Lightning Talk at U:FF '21) (2021-11-02)

On 2. November 2021, Raphael Wimmer gave a Lightning Talk on “Graph-based Development of Curricula and Courses” at the University:Future Festival '21. (more...)

Discussing Digital Transformation and the Workplace at bidt-Konferenz 2021 (2021-10-13)

Raphael Wimmer participated in a great panel and said some smart things. (more...)

PDA group at Mensch und Computer 2021 (2021-09-09)

We presented our projects ScreenshotMatcher (Short Paper, Demo) and DotTrack (Demo) at the Mensch und Computer 2021 conference. ScreenshotMatcher was awarded with an honorable mention award! Further information on can be found on the ScreenshotMatcher and DotTrack project page. (more...)

Sketchable Interaction at CHI21 (2021-05-08)

We will present our paper Sketchable Interaction: Drawing User Interfaces with Interactive Regions as an Interactivity (Demo) at CHI2021 conference. Further information can be found on the Sketchable Interaction page. (more...)

PDA group at Workshop on Esports and High Performance HCI 2021 (2021-04-10)

Andreas Schmid will present a short paper on a new method for measuring end-to-end latency at the first Workshop on Esports and High Performance HCI, co-located with CHI'21. Further information on can be found on the project page. (more...)

→ complete list of news/blog posts involving me

Project: Custom HTML Editor for an internal Content Management Scenario (2020 - 2020)

A previewable editor for facilitating a specific content management task at the University of Regensburg.

Project: Digital Tools for Universities (2017-08-01 - )

Beside our research on new tools and technologies for human-computer interaction, we have developed various tools together with and for the administration of the University of Regensburg. This page gives a short overview of some of the public projects.

Project: DIY Approach to Measuring Display Reaction Time (2019 - )

Easily replicable device for measuring the reaction time of displays.

Project: DotTrack (2017 - )

Absolute position tracking using the raw image of a mouse sensor

Project: Analysing the eAkte/eFile landscape in Germany (2017 - 2017)

Eine Untersuchung der eAkten-Landschaft in Deutschland

Project: Yet Another Latency Measuring Device (2020 - )

Measuring device for end-to-end (click to photon) latency based on cheap off-the-shelf components.

Project: Extensible Clipboard (2017 - )

A new foundation for seamlessly sharing information

Project: Measuring the Latency of Graphics Frameworks (2022 - )

Measuring method for graphics framework latency.

Project: GraphIT (2021 - )

A dependency graph for learning contents.

Project: Annotation Extraction with Infrared Light (2020 - )

We modified a flatbed scanner by adding an infrared LED to its light guide. As the ink of most pens is invisible in the infrared spectrum, this scanner can be used to extract handwritten annotations from printed documents.

Project: Input Device Latency (2017 - )

Measuring and understanding latency of input devices

Project: Latency Measurement (2017 - )

Measuring and understanding latency of computer systems

Project: PAtrack - Tracking physical personnel files in HR (2018 - )

PAtrack is a system for digitally tracking the location of paper files at the HR department of the University of Regensburg.

Project: Pop-Up Participatory Design facilitates Ideation, User Research, and Outreach (2020-01-09 - )

Pop-Up Participatory Design facilitates Ideation, User Research, and Outreach

Project: Reading on Different Media (2020 - )

We are investigating how different media affect reading performance and experience.

Project: Sketchable Interaction (2018 - )

An interaction concept for customizable desktop environments and workflows

Project: Standardized Study Designs for Human-Computer Interaction (2019 - 2019)

An extensible study design for an image-sorting task.

Project: Survey on table use in everyday life (2020-06-04 - 2020-08-18)

Results of our survey on table use in everyday life (2020).

Project: Sketching with Hardware (2012 - )

A Course for Teaching Interactive Hardware Prototyping to Computer Science Students

Project: Universal Files (2017 - )

Files and directories as information substrate

Project: Vigitia Meets Degginger 2.0 (September 2021) (2021-09-20 - 2021-09-25)

From September 20 to 25, 2021, we presented three prototypes to an interested public at Regensburg's Degginger Cultural and Creative Center. The primary goals of the exhibition were to generate ideas for further application scenarios and use cases, user research, public relations and science communication.

Project: VIGITIA meets Degginger 3.0 (March 2022) (2022-03-15 - 2022-03-19)

From March 15 to 19, 2021, we presented three prototypes to an interested public at Regensburg's Degginger Cultural and Creative Center. The primary goals of the exhibition were to generate ideas for further application scenarios and use cases, user research, public relations and science communication.

Project: Vigitia Meets Degginger (September 2020) (2020-09-14 - 2020-09-19)

Public exhibition of first project results

Project: Applying Voting Methods in User Research (2019 - 2019)

Investigating reliability and validity of Likert scales, Likert-type items and voting methods

For a list of older publications please have a look at my university web site

Andreas Schmid, Marie Sautmann, Vera Wittmann, Florian Kaindl, Philipp Schauhuber, Philipp Gottschalk, Raphael Wimmer

Influence of Annotation Media on Proof-Reading Tasks

Proceedings of the Mensch und Computer 2023, 2023 () (more...)

Martina Emmert, Andreas Schmid, Raphael Wimmer, Niels Henze

CoShare: a Multi-Pointer Collaborative Screen Sharing Tool

Proceedings of the Mensch und Computer 2023, 2023 () (more...)

Andreas Schmid, Lorenz Heckelbacher, Raphael Wimmer

Extracting Handwritten Annotations from Printed Documents Via Infrared Scanning

Extended Abstracts of the 2022 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2022-04-27 () (more...)

Gideon Meyerowitz‐Katz, Lonni Besançon, Antoine Flahault, Raphael Wimmer

Impact of mobility reduction on COVID-19 mortality: absence of evidence might be due to methodological issues

Scientific Reports, 2021-12-07 () (more...)

Jürgen Hahn, Raphael Wimmer

Sketchable Interaction: Drawing User Interfaces with Interactive Regions

Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems 2021 Extended Abstracts (CHI ’21 Extended Abstracts), 2021-05-08 () (more...)

Andreas Schmid, Raphael Wimmer

Yet Another Latency Measuring Device

Workshop on Esports and High Performance HCI 2021, 2021-04-10 () (more...)

Dennis Schüsselbauer, Andreas Schmid, Raphael Wimmer

Dothraki: Tracking Tangibles Atop Tabletops Through De-Bruijn Tori

Proceedings of the 2021 Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interaction, 2021-02-15 () (more...)

Patrick Stadler, Andreas Schmid, Raphael Wimmer

DispLagBox: Simple and Replicable High-Precision Measurements of Display Latency

Proceedings of the Conference on Mensch und Computer 2020, 2020-09-06 () (more...)

Julia Sageder, Ariane Demleitner, Oliver Irlbacher, Raphael Wimmer

Applying Voting Methods in User Research

Mensch und Computer 2019 (Poster), 2019-09-08 () (more...)

Raphael Wimmer, Andreas Schmid, Florian Bockes

On the Latency of USB-Connected Input Devices

Proceedings of the 2019 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '19), 2019-05-09 () (more...)

Florian Bockes, Raphael Wimmer, Andreas Schmid

LagBox – Measuring the Latency of USB-Connected Input Devices.

CHI EA '18 Extended Abstracts of the 2018 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2018-04-21 () (more...)

Raphael Wimmer

Files as Directories: Some Thoughts on Accessing Structured Data within Files

Conference Companion of the 2nd International Conference on Art, Science, and Engineering of Programming (Programming'18 Companion), 2018 () (more...)

Raphael Wimmer

Digitales Papier

Blick in die Wissenschaft, 2018 () (more...)


function isbot($useragent, $address) {

$bots_names = array('Googlebot' , 'Baiduspider' , 'ia_archiver' , 'R6_FeedFetcher' , 'NetcraftSurveyAgent' , 'Sogou web spider' , 'bingbot' , 'Yahoo! Slurp' , 'facebookexternalhit' , 'PrintfulBot' , 'msnbot' , 'Twitterbot' , 'UnwindFetchor' , 'urlresolver' , 'Butterfly' , 'TweetmemeBot' , 'PaperLiBot' , 'MJ12bot' , 'AhrefsBot' , 'Exabot' , 'Ezooms' , 'YandexBot' , 'SearchmetricsBot' , 'picsearch' , 'TweetedTimes Bot' , 'QuerySeekerSpider' , 'ShowyouBot' , 'woriobot' , 'merlinkbot' , 'BazQuxBot' , 'Kraken' , 'SISTRIX Crawler' , 'R6_CommentReader' , 'magpie-crawler' , 'GrapeshotCrawler' , 'PercolateCrawler' , 'MaxPointCrawler' , 'R6_FeedFetcher' , 'NetSeer crawler' , 'grokkit-crawler' , 'SMXCrawler' , 'PulseCrawler' , 'Y!J-BRW' , '80legs.com/webcrawler' , 'Mediapartners-Google' , 'Spinn3r' , 'InAGist' , 'Python-urllib' , 'NING' , 'TencentTraveler' , 'Feedfetcher-Google' , 'mon.itor.us' , 'spbot' , 'Feedly' , 'bitlybot' , 'ADmantX Platform' , 'Niki-Bot' , 'Pinterest' , 'python-requests' , 'DotBot' , 'HTTP_Request2' , 'linkdexbot' , 'A6-Indexer' , 'Baiduspider' , 'TwitterFeed' , 'Microsoft Office' , 'Pingdom' , 'BTWebClient' , 'KatBot' , 'SiteCheck' , 'proximic' , 'Sleuth' , 'Abonti' , '(BOT for JCE)' , 'Baidu' , 'Tiny Tiny RSS' , 'newsblur' , 'updown_tester' , 'linkdex' , 'baidu' , 'searchmetrics' , 'genieo' , 'majestic12' , 'spinn3r' , 'profound' , 'domainappender' , 'VegeBot' , 'terrykyleseoagency.com' , 'CommonCrawler Node' , 'AdlesseBot' , 'metauri.com' , 'libwww-perl' , 'rogerbot-crawler' , 'MegaIndex.ru' , 'ltx71' , 'Qwantify' , 'Traackr.com' , 'Re-Animator Bot' , 'Pcore-HTTP' , 'BoardReader' , 'omgili' , 'okhttp' , 'CCBot' , 'Java/1.8' , 'semrush.com' , 'feedbot' , 'CommonCrawler' , 'AdlesseBot' , 'MetaURI' , 'ibwww-perl' , 'rogerbot' , 'MegaIndex' , 'BLEXBot' , 'FlipboardProxy' , 'techinfo@ubermetrics-technologies.com' , 'trendictionbot' , 'Mediatoolkitbot' , 'trendiction' , 'ubermetrics' , 'ScooperBot' , 'TrendsmapResolver' , 'Nuzzel' , 'Go-http-client' , 'Applebot' , 'LivelapBot' , 'GroupHigh' , 'SemrushBot' , 'ltx71' , 'commoncrawl' , 'istellabot' , 'DomainCrawler' , 'cs.daum.net' , 'StormCrawler' , 'GarlikCrawler' , 'The Knowledge AI' , 'getstream.io/winds' , 'YisouSpider' , 'archive.org_bot' , 'semantic-visions.com' , 'FemtosearchBot' , '360Spider' , 'linkfluence.com' , 'glutenfreepleasure.com' , 'Gluten Free Crawler' , 'YaK/1.0' , 'Cliqzbot' , 'app.hypefactors.com' , 'axios' , 'semantic-visions.com' , 'webdatastats.com' , 'schmorp.de', 'SEOkicks', 'Barkrowler', 'DuckDuckBot', 'ZoominfoBot', 'Linguee Bot', 'Mail.RU_Bot', 'OnalyticaBot', 'Linguee Bot', 'admantx-adform', 'Buck/2.2', 'Barkrowler', 'Zombiebot', 'Nutch','SemanticScholarBot', '#not yet in upstream bots:', 'MetaJobBot', 'SeznamBot/3.2', 'VelenPublicWebCrawler/1.0', 'WordPress.com mShots', 'adscanner', 'BacklinkCrawler', 'netEstate NE Crawler', 'Astute SRM', 'GigablastOpenSource/1.0', '#not yet upstream', 'YandexImages/3.0', 'LinkCheck by Siteimprove.com', 'Adsbot/3.1', 'centuryb.o.t9[at]gmail.com', 'SabsimBot/3.0', 'InfoTigerBot/1.9', 'DataForSeoBot/1.0', 'MauiBot', 'hgfAlphaXCrawl/0.1', 'MTRobot/0.2', 'SMTBot/1.0', 'HubSpot Crawler', 'hubspot crawler', 'serpstatbot/1.0', 'SearchAtlas.com SEO Crawler', 'MojeekBot/0.7', 'AspiegelBot', 'JobboerseBot', 'Domains Project/1.0.6', 'PetalBot', 'Seekport Crawler', 'BananaBot/0.6.1', 'SpiderLing', 'SerendeputyBot/0.8.6', 'Amazonbot/0.1', 'nettle', 'PetalBot', 'Java/11.0.10');

addresses of known bots that don't identify as bots in their user agent $bots_addresses = array('.amazonaws.com', '.clients.your-server.de', '.startdedicated.de', '.dip0.t-ipconnect.de'); foreach($botsaddresses as $b){ if( stripos(gethostbyaddr($address), $b) !== false ) return true; }
names as $b){ if( stripos($useragent, $b ) !== false ) return true; } return false; }; https://github.com/fabiomb/is_bot/ $active = false; if ($active and !isbot($SERVER['HTTPUSERAGENT'], $SERVER['REMOTEADDR'])){ $geo = unserialize(filegetcontents('http://www.geoplugin.net/php.gp?ip='.$SERVER['REMOTEADDR'])); $subject = “Profil-Besuch von ” . gethostbyaddr($SERVER['REMOTEADDR']) . “ (” . $SERVER['REMOTEADDR'] . “) Ort: ” . $geo['geoplugincity'] . “, ” . $geo['geoplugincountryName']; $msg = “Profil-Besuch von ” . gethostbyaddr($SERVER['REMOTEADDR']) . “ (” . $SERVER['REMOTEADDR'] . “)\nOrt: ” . $geo['geoplugincity'] . “, ” . $geo['geoplugincountryName'] . “\nUser Agent: ” . $SERVER['HTTPUSERAGENT'] . “\nReferer: ” . $SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']; $msg = wordwrap($msg, 70, “\r\n”); echo($msg); mail('raphael.wimmer@ur.de', '[HCI] ' . $subject, $msg); }; </php>